Thursday, February 17, 2000



(First Written Somewhere Between 1998-2000 / First Posted In September 2005)

Love, Like Water, Comes In Many Forms...: Liquid, Vapor, And Ice...It would be so wonderful if we could keep that in mind at all times and see love in all of it's various forms when it comes... It's much like the Trinity...and true love is manifested from the Trinity (GOD) I suppose that would make sense (in my mind anyway)... My first love (Who I spent seven long years with, and literally grew up with), has become my best friend in my adult life... He is the one who knows me truest and best, even though my life has changed in such drastic ways ;). His unconditional love throughout the process of my 'becoming' the woman I am today, and throughout my last two, most serious, and most temultuous relationships has really blessed me...especially since the one who has my heart at present continues to take me for granted, and puts me through unnecessary pain without any reason provoked by anything beyond their own issues...(other than maybe I love them too much, too well, and still foolishly have a hard time putting ME first when it comes to those close to my heart...I'm growing)...  I digress...

So:  In the spirit of true love, in all of it's forms, I thought it fitting to honor someone who's unconditional love and understanding of me never waivers, even though everything about the two of us has changed...


(For My First Love:  TAC)

In a place where no one lives
In a place where no one goes
Our love runs deep and wide
And like a river there it flows

My heart goes there sometimes
When I'm living out my fears
It is there I cry for you
And the river takes my tears

It is in this place alone
Where love touches destiny
Where it swallows all our failure
And it greets eternity

In true love there is no time
And no designated space
And our spirits pure and bold
Meld as one in stunning grace

Though fate has been unkind
Love caged deep within our souls
'Cause we were meant for different worlds
And must play predestined roles

In stolen moments I escape
To where I know you wait for me
And I bask within your sunshine
And our matchless memories

See although we cannot be
And though we only have what was
Love exists beyond our realm
It's bigger than both of us

And where our tears have landed blooms
A flawless, perfect rose
And our love outlives forever
And like a river; there it flows

– Copyright © 2000 AnOmali 101 –