Friday, December 31, 2004


Monolog from 'Fall'
By Eric Schaeffer

I’ve wanted to tell you for awhile now.
I wanted to say it
As you reached for a teacup
In your kitchen that night we fought
About "why we always have to eat
Chinese food on your floor"
And then made-up.
I wanted to say it
As the moonlight shown in on you
As you slept in your bed
The first time we made love there.
When I felt your heart racing against my chest.
In your (room) in Spain,
When you first saw your roses,
Even though I wasn't there.
But mostly I wanted to say it
The last night I saw you,
As I held you in my arms
Looking down at your precious face
Knowingly looking up at me.
Still inside you,
But so inside you.
I wanted so badly to tell you that...
The words each time graced my lips
Like an impostor.
Only to fall away
Like some great blizzard
That was taken out to sea
To rain it's fury on the dark ocean,
Alone, unbeknownst to any hearing.
I pray that you can hear them
For what they are,
Feel them for what they are,
And not mar them with the knowledge
That they stand apart from your ability
To reciprocate them.
Please take them in your heart,
Feel them with your eyes closed
And your soul open
For just a moment.
My voice speaking them softly
In your ear,
With a kiss.
When you smile,
When your head lightly moves to dance,
When your tongue finds my lips,
When you ramble over a glass of wine,
When you sit naked
After we've made love,
When you act boldly,
When you laugh,
When you squeeze my hand,
When you call my name in a gruff whisper,
When your heart races on my chest
In a close embrace,
When you love me.
What I’m sad about is selfish.
I’m sad at God's timing,
I’m only a man.
And as a man I miss you.
I miss you terribly.
I miss your kiss.
I miss your smile.
Oh, how I miss your smile.
But most of all I miss the moment
That hasn't happened yet.
The moment when you let yourself
Fall for me.
What makes it hard for me
Is knowing how much you care for me,
How much in a way you do love me.
How much you would enjoy
Smiling wryly as you hurled yourself
Backwards off the cliff,
And said "catch me, baby."
If I didn't know that,
I could make you a villain,
Me a victim,
And soothe myself.
But I can't
Because it isn't the truth.
The truth we both know.
The truth is "not today".
I know you're not leaving (him) for me,
And I wouldn't want you to.
I would want you to leave him for you.
I also know you would never
Fly a million miles
Just to see me smile at you.
Someday maybe, but not today.
So I guess I better disappear.
I know you'll be o.k.
And soon I will be too.
And maybe, just maybe,
If God so desires,
A day will come
When as friends
We will find ourselves
Accidentally strolling along
The white cliffs of Dover,
Or the mountain rocks of Mendocino,
Or the bonny emerald north
Of the Scottish seaboard,
Or the glistening harbor of old New York.
And from the heights in the stars,
Amongst the angels
Whose arms will cradle us,
In a moment neither of us was told about,
But knew like our oldest happiness.
We will look into each other's eyes
And know... It is today.
It is today.
And whether that day is tomorrow,
Or next week,
Or next year,
Or next lifetime.
I will finally get to tell you
To your sweet face,
The face that I will miss
More than I could ever tell,
I love you,
I love you,
Oh, baby, I love you.
And you'll smile wryly,
Close your eyes,
Say "catch me, baby",
And fall.


Thursday, December 30, 2004


I am hiding my heart
From the one who saw through me
At the inception of us
In spirit and truth
Because my weakness betrays me
My fear overwhelms me
And I don’t want to hurt, be hurt
Or act outside of myself anymore

I am hiding my soul although we are connected
Although you can feel me as I feel you – always
Because the ‘not knowing’ what the future holds
Is killing me slowly – and not so softly
When I know what the future could be or could have been…
And may never be, because of the failures inside of us both

With so much unknown – and unsaid
How can I be your friend – Only your friend? And rest in that?
Yet with so much incomprehensible and undeniable love for you
How can I run from your friendship and be without you?
I cannot breathe without you – you are my ‘one’
And my heart trusts neither solution fully.

I know that the odds are all against me
And fighter that I am, I know that my need to fight
Will only push you further away
And so defenseless, frightened, I simply wait.
Pray and wait. Hope and wait. Trust and wait.

How can I put down my pride, and still protect myself?
How can I love you freely, and not feel bound?
How can I see the obstacles, looming just ahead
And still be confident in all that I know is righteous, right,

I know you’ll never admit that in your heart
You are protecting me as much as yourself
That you are afraid
That you, too, are hiding
That it’s all too real, too potent
Too deep, too much, too fast.
We are too connected – spiritually – supernaturally
To ever make any rational sense
And who ever said that divine love was rational?
Or that it moved in our time, on our schedule, at our convenience?
Such a thought could only come from someone
Who has never known love…

I respect you, your choices
And I wouldn’t love you so dearly if you did not know how
To take the lead…even when it hurts…even when it’s hard
Trying to protect my heart along with yours
Wanting to see me whole, while you let God perfect you
Loving me enough to push me away, to do things righteously
Even if it feels a little like dying

I see, hear, and comprehend –
Even when my emotions betray my understanding
That is only me, like Jacob, wrestling my angel
Not letting go until he blesses my soul
Not realizing he is simply a caged bird
One caged long before I arrived, who must be freed
Before he can be fully embraced as his truest self
One who will fly back into these arms in divine time
With a blessing greater than I could have imagined
Not to possess or be possessed,
But to love in sanctified, liberated totality…
If I wait

And life goes on…with a hope and a prayer…
And faith in something larger than you or I or us
Divine Purpose and Destiny await me
And it is there that I must soar until…

There are still moments when I wish you would just
Hear my heart and ignore the words used to over explain
That which there are no words for…
Tune into me, feel my pain, know my mind
I do hear yours…I feel you...I know you – even when you hide.

I am hiding but I am working my way out of this shell
I am hiding, but I am fighting my way into a deeper place of truth
So that I will never have to hide again
From myself or you or anyone

I will honor love, and not fear
I will honor God and trust in His strength and not in my own
Or in yours
For what is meant
Whatever that may be
Even if am sure that somewhere inside of myself I already know
As we both once did

I will come out of hiding to a place of completion,
With my hand open to give and receive all of the fruit of our labor.
I will bare my all without fear of rejection
Allowing you to love all of my imperfections as
God’s perfection of me ensues
Secure in the knowing that what will be, WILL BE
And through God, and love, and time, and FRIENDSHIP
Anything is possible.
And whatever we share – even beyond, outside, of our ideal
Will be beautiful.
Will be meant.
Will be.

But while I am hiding
And when I am hiding
Please know
That there are no boundaries, no rules
No walls, No restraints
No boxes holding me inside
I retreat only to see more clearly
To firmly grasp the present reality
But I cannot escape you
As I cannot escape truth
In spite of how things may appear
Love, Faith is bigger than the tangible
Our love is bigger that what is known, even to us
It lives outside of the box, beyond the confines of definition
Beyond the borders of a temporary setback
Outside of the realm of limited understanding
It is strong enough to endure both forward and backward movement
It will survive

And I am not leaving
I am only hiding
While I am still loving,
And I will be loving,
Always loving,


- Copyright © AnOmali 101 -

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Am I breathing?
Please tell me if I am still breathing
Because my very breath seems to depend upon the words you say

I look around me and
Your face clouds my view
Your smile. Your eyes. Your skin.
Your touch. Your smell. Your taste,
Is all I am thinking,
Is all I am feeling,
Is all I am seeing,
Is all I can recall.
I can’t eat or sleep or breathe
I stopped breathing the day “I Love You” was replaced by "you too" or "1-4-3" or

Maybe she and I are not so different after all…

My mind says eat
But my body would rather starve
While my heart hangs in the balance

My mind says sleep
But my mind betrays even itself with thoughts of
Every new way you could possibly find to hurt my heart
Beyond this point
Preparing itself for annihilation of the worst kind...
And a defeat unknown to my worst imaginings.

My spirit says pray
But my heart can’t find words
I can’t find strength
I can’t find thoughts
I can’t find breath
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe

My mind says
Silly girl
You knew this would happen
You and your dreams
You and your ‘one’
You and your inability to accept the cards you have been dealt
You and your refusal to accept that love is just a chemical
A reaction to pleasure and security
That is always false, always fleeting…
Silly woman: whose learned nothing from the girl
Having gathered nothing from your past
Didn’t you know she could never really love you?
Didn’t you see the hand you were dealt
Before it was laid on the table?
Didn’t you know to run, run – fast, far away
From the inception?
Didn’t you know to run before she could hurt you more than all those before?
Didn’t you know that a happy fantasy was far better than this painful reality?
Didn’t you know that anything that looks too good to be true,
Probably is…?

As I question everything I’ve come to know
Suddenly realizing I knew nothing
Suddenly knowing that you loved a fantasy
A voice on a phone
An idea
A concept
Who was never really me at all…
No matter how much I bore my soul to you…
It wasn’t real, because you did not see me –
You only saw your idea of me.
Or who you wanted to see
Or who you needed me to be.

Knowing now that I was an escape route
A way out…a way into…the place that you wanted to be
Only that was never really with me…or even yourself

Silly me
Because I fell for the real thing…your face plastered to my eyes
Forever gazing at me that way you do…
Aiding my beautiful lie…
Making me believe with all my heart,
That you were meant to be mine.
‘Cause I am ‘your ONE’…right? Right.

And now I am living, hoping, dying…
Just to breath. Because my very breath
Depends upon the words you say.

So please tell me.

Am I breathing?

- Copyright © AnOmali 101 -

Thursday, November 25, 2004

UNTITLED (Anticipation)


What is it about you 
That keeps my mind 
From straying too far 
From the sound of your voice for long? 

What is it about your voice 
That calms and excites me 
Both soothes and ignites within me 
A passion too frightening to explore 
While my fear subsides 
Whenever I choose to rest near 
Intuitive truth 

I am afraid to let my imagination run wild 
For fear of disappointment 
Yet more afraid of the possibility 
That my mind’s eye could be exceeded only by reality 

But are you real? 

I'm wondering while wandering if I am 
Already residing in a place of no return 
Unless I allow what is meant 
To unfold 
To be 
To manifest 
And incorporate it’s self 
Into some fold or facet of destiny 
To merge with me 
And render us seamless 

What compelled me to even begin? 
Was it inevitable? 
Or did I just will it; will YOU into existence 
Setting into motion 
Unfolding events to match my erratic, yet 
Unwavering desires? 

Do you know me, us, infinitely? 
Or am I, in my wanting of satiation 
So transparent 
That you can slip into my fantasy, 
As easily as I slip into a negligee to fulfill yours? 

Your words caress my intellect 
And the far reaching parts of me 
As if you’ve been reading my journals 
Since the age of innocence 
As if you’ve anticipated 
Prepared and rehearsed for me 

And try as I may 
I can’t seem to run, or turn, or pause, or hide, or decelerate, 
Or move – beyond this place 
And I must know what the ending will be… 

— Copyright © AnOmali 101

Monday, November 08, 2004


If you were here…

I would touch you and hold you and let you cry until all the pain subsides
As I whispered in your ear how I could never allow myself to hurt you like that again
That there is never a reason to let myself go at your expense…never an excuse,
Never any pardon for anger strong enough to damage the sum of what we share.

I would stroke your cheek, play in your hair, kiss your forehead
And try my best make you feel secure in the most insecure moment of us

I would caress your body – and pull you close to me
Squeezing you tight, to make you feel my heart
Skipping beats from the pain I’d caused you

I would not say I love you – because I’d know in this moment
You’d need to feel…and hearing would fall on deaf ears…

So I would stroke you – allow you to place my hands where you desired them most…
Allow you to take whatever you wanted, needed from me
Giving you all…
Without words
Until I cried your tears
And the river of us flowed into the ocean
Until the river of us ran dry…
Until the river of us was reborn from the depths of the Earth
And thus made whole

If you were here – none of this would be…
If you were here – I’d be more like me…
If you were here…
If only you were here…

I’m sorry.

- Copyright © AnOmali 101 -

Saturday, August 07, 2004



I am captured by:

Your touch, your taste, your kiss
Your sweetness, your caress, your trembling
Your sighs, your moans, your screams
Your thrusting, your clutching, your needing
Your knowing
Your calling, your yearning
Your wanting
Your flow, your crescendo, your climax
Your highest note
Hit repeatedly
Piercing the soul of me
Making me utterly yours…

You are pure song
My imagined song
The music that dances along my inner thighs
The melody of you etched upon my breasts
Upon my heart
Ringing on and on

I sing you with every move
With every note
With every thought
With every stroke

And upon the height of symphony
You are the perfect harmony
Without which no song is complete

And I am captured indeed

Trapped within your bars
Moving slowly from treble to bass,
Treble to bass
And back again
Waiting for sweet release
But praying that you will sing me forever,
And ever,
And ever…


– Copyright © AnOmali 101 –

One day, I pray this song is about a real-life, breathing, living, permanent 'ONE' as it was written for the one who's form I've yet to see, but who's soul I've known forever... For now, it will remain a gift to the current, consistent, and eternal love of my life: MUSIC...


Wednesday, June 30, 2004


(An Introduction)

An old spirit with a childlike nature
I'm guarded, yet open
All wrapped in one
I am one of God's stranger creations
The word, AnOmali
Now isn't that fun?

I am without the constraints of perfection
I am both the boy and the girl
I like to be bad
And yet I crave correction
I hate to be boxed
And my box is this world

I live in the open yet you do not see me
And it seems you hear less
The louder I scream
I've met you halfway and yet you will not meet me
You're choking me love
And I just want to breathe

Don't I have the right to exist as was chosen?
A square peg, a round hole
Even though I don't fit
All of your ideas, they are rigid and frozen
I simply am
Categorize this

I wish to know truth if truth is for knowing
I wish to know love without silly rules
I wish to know what
Will come after the sewing
I anxiously wait
'Cause that time will come soon

A stranger on Earth, cliché though it may be
I'd rather be lonely
If there I am free
And I may never know love
In the way that best suits me
But I will remain, true to me true to me true to me...

An AnOmali

- Copyright © AnOmali 101 -