Thursday, May 04, 2006


This is where my head is, this is where my heart is, but most of all, this is where my spirit is. I seek that which defies the tangible. I long for more than what a lover can possess in a natural sense... I want my soul to be satisfied...this is the thirst within my soul that must be quenched before and above all else.

I was listening to an old song (NOW PLAYING) that I used to love when I was in college...and hearing it for the first time in years moved me to tears... It is my current state of reality and summarizes this thought, these feelings with an eloquence that I don't currently possess.

Only God's love can fulfill the soul...and this soul of mine, as much as I desire my mate, the one that that I was designed for, that was molded exclusively for me...I long for HIM more than and above all...for a love so true can ONLY come through HIM... He is my source, He is my all...and true love is the exclusive blessing and privilege given from Him and Him alone...

Even the love of my dreams is going to let me down sometimes. They will inevitably wound me sometimes. We will go through storms and hills and valleys...we're human. My career will have ups and downs... Beauty, money, romance and success are all fleeting...

But God, His love is consistent. It is perfect. And perfect love comes only through Him. Joy comes only through Him…happiness is temporary, but Joy is everlasting and does not depend on circumstances. Pretty much everything I think I want in this world, when I compare it to it's spiritual counterpart – the spiritual form of each desire, this world's offerings pale in comparison. I am beginning to see that the only way to possess the things of this world is to take the value off of them, to be carefree about their possession, and to place value only in things that are eternal, and keep it moving while keeping Him first! Not a new lesson, but for the first time, I believe it is being fully etched into the templates of my heart with a sense of true 'applicability'.

There are so many desires that I want to have fulfilled in this life, dreams and purposes that I know are meant for my life, even if achieving them will require me defying the odds in many regards… But, every now and then I hear a still voice whisper to my soul, "All is Vanity"... Of course, these are the words of King Solomon in the Book of Proverbs, the richest and wisest man in all of written history, reminding us that this life is temporary, that all will pass away, that we are living to live again, and that while it is ok to desire some modem of success, happiness; Eternity is so much larger than this life's temporary reality...

I long for that which I cannot touch, that which I cannot see. Above a mate, above a Grammy, above success, above romantic love, above ALL else - I long for Him...for Truth...for the wisdom of an eternity spent with Him. For the answers that the soul seeks that NOTHING on Earth can satisfy.

This life is indeed a dream...I desire just a taste of what is to come to keep me moving through this phase of existence with clarity and determination. To keep me focused on what is to come, and constantly aware that this life is only the is by no means the destination...

I know the moment I fully grasp this, I will attain everything I desire, because the desire will no longer control me, and the fear of failing in any of these goals will no longer dictate my every move...


(Verse I)
There is a longing in the heart
There is a hunger in the soul
A thirst that can't be satisfied
But deep inside you know
You long for
Something that is much more
Than everything that's in your world

'Cause life is a dream
And Heaven's reality
And I'm caught in between
And though it seems
This world has everything
It's nothing more than a dream

Life is a dream
And Heaven's reality
And if we just hold on,
Then we will wake up
To the face of God

(Verse II)
Half of life's not even lived
There are parts we cannot see
But sometimes we catch a glimpse
As through a glass darkly
What should be
What life really would be
If heaven only could be now


There's a need to know and to be known
There's an emptiness that's filled by God alone


- Anointed -