Take a listen and then please leave your comments and feedbacks/thoughts, etc. about the content of this song (commenting on my performance is optional - but honestly, it wasn't a flawless performance - just a passionate one ;)...
I know I can't be the only one feeling this... I rarely do anyone else's music but mine, but all respect MUST go to Pink and The Indigo Girls for writing and recording this PROFOUND song...even if it didn't get much airplay... I could kiss Pink...I don't think she'd mind much *wink*, for digging these feelings out of my gut...this is so very much my style when writing with acoustic guitar. It says so much of what I would love to say to Bush and the rest of those rich, white, Republican bastards who don't give a f*ck about anyone who doesn't look like them or who doesn't share their same social and financial status face to face if ever given the chance...and it feels good to know I am not alone...or the only artist out here who is actually thinking and who gives a damn about the rest of the world!