Sunday, December 28, 2014

I'm Getting Really Good At Letting Go Of What And Who Is Not Good Or Meant For Me (QUICKLY), Even When My Heart / Soul Doesn't Want To, Or It Glitters Like A Starry Night Despite My Better Judgement... I Can't Hang Onto Anyone Who Diminishes Me, Who's Words And (Mis)Perception Of Me Insult My Soul, Or Anyone Who Has More Future Potential In My Life Than Present Contribution And Value All Dependent Upon Who They May Become When God Has Completed The Work. Not Even For The Prettiest Smile In The World... I Shouldn't Be More Enamored With The Idea And Possibility Of You Than I Am With The Reality Of You... 

(And, I was).

My 2014 Lesson; The Established Rule For Moving Forward: If I Have To Constantly Justify My Interaction With You To Myself, Justify Your Inconsistent Or Selfish Behavior, Justify The Way I Feel When I Leave Your Presence, All While Hoping For Something Better Or Different In The Future From A Place Inside Of You That Is Rarely Exposed And May No Longer Be Authentic (If It Was Ever - You Might Just Be a Good *Ahem* Actor...IJS): That's My Cue. It's Time To Press Delete. Your Brokenness Is Not My Fault Or Responsibility. I'm Not Meant To Walk On Eggshells Or Be Punished, Constantly Corrected, Gaslighted, Manipulated Or Controlled... And Why Be Around Someone When I'm Doing Most Of The Work, They Don't Honor Their Word, AND I Don't Like The Way They Make Me Feel...?

If You're Meant To Be In My Life, God Will Complete The Circle. Until Then, I'm Better Off Taking Care Of Myself And Not Adding To My Soul The Burden Of Internalizing You... Unconditional / Agape Love Does Not Equal Martyrdom. I Can Love You From A Distance. I've Learned To Let Go...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Favorite LOVE Poems By Saul...

Saul Williams

(because this is how my heart is leaning at present... #Open
The square root of kiss is a hum
I hum under my breath when I contemplate the drum
of your heartbeat
and my heart beats for your breath
I revel in the wind for mere glimpses
I’m tornado over you
would you look into the eye of my storm
I whirlwind through your life like breeze
and fill your lungs
as we achieve the second power of a hum
I love…
as instruments come to life
through breath
the wind sends my high notes to indigo communions
with Coltrane’s Favorite Things
…this is my body which is given for you,
this is my blood which is given for you…
my love like the wind, uncaged
blows time into timeless whirlpools
transfiguring fear and all of its subordinates
(possession, jealousy, fear)
into crumbling dried leaves
my love
is the wind’s slave
and, thus, is free
my love
is the wind that is shaped
as it passes through the lips of earthly vessels
becoming words of wisdom
songs of freedom
or simply hot air
my love
is the wind’s song
if it is up to me, I’ll never die.
if it is up to me, I’ll die tomorrow
one thousand times in an hour and live seven minutes later.
if it is up to me, the sun will never cease to shine
and the moon will never cease to glow
and I’ll dance a million tomorrows
in the sun rays of the moon waves
and bathe in the yesterdays of days to come
ignoring all of my afterthoughts
and preconceived notions
if it is up to me, it is up to me
and thus is my love
the wind is the moon’s imagination wandering
it seeps through cracks
explores the unknown
ripples the grass
my love is my soul’s imagination
how do I love thee?

- from The Seventh Octave - The Early Writings of Saul Stacey Williams

***AND THIS***


I closed my eyes

Although I never knew the difference
I stood before a brighter light
At lesser distance
And then, a feeling.
Almost as if nothing were ever
Bound to repeat itself again.
As if history had been as masterfully created
As the great pyramids
And any attempt to reconstruct
Or relive any given moment
Would have to stem from an understanding
Of how the pyramids were built from the top down.
And if one could understand such majesty
One would also understand that kisses hold codes
For unlocking new portals
And that pyramids were first made of flesh
Our bonded souls shifting
Through hidden corrals and passageways
I will find my way to eternity
Within you...

~ Saul Williams ~

Pining For The One...

My heart and mind,
Body and soul
Are united in chorus
Screaming for you:
My Muse...
My Song...
"My angel, my all, my other self;
My immortal beloved"...

Your touch.
Your kiss.
Your body.
Your love...
Your love.
To touch your love.
And call you home.

Please come soon...


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Just A Tiny Note In Time...Just In Case...

Every Now And Then You Meet And Have An Organic And Profound Connection With Someone...

You Have A Conversation That, Not Only Changes Your Energy Entirely, Soothes Your Soul, And Challenges Your Jade, But Also Exceeds Your Expectations In EVERY Conceivable Way...

This Is Someone With Whom You Vibe On Every Level Effortlessly...Spiritually, Emotionally, Intellectually; You Share Values, Perspectives, Depth, And Suddenly You Feel Validated Beyond Belief Just As You Are And A Whole Lot Less Alone In The World...

Especially If You're An "AnOmali"...

Yeah...Today Was A Good Day...

*smiles... ... ...*


Tuesday, March 04, 2014

And It's Never Enough...

I've infinite options
And none with a clue
They dance for my smiles
The unwitting fools
Because they don't realize
The God awful truth
I'll only resent them
For not being you...

Monday, March 03, 2014

On Invisible Love...

It doesn't matter that I miss you
'Cause you just won't treat me right
Matters not how much I love you
'Cause you put up no real fight
I just wish I had an anchor
To the truth of my heart's plight
So I'd stop wishing you would fix it
Wish you could with all my might...

But you can't.
And you won't.
And I hate
How my heart hopes
For the impossible...

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Love Eclipses Truth...

(1st Draft Of The Other Side Of An Internal War)

(The Opponent: Inexplicable LOVE)

How can I be here for you
Knowing you must traverse this all alone?
I pray my love will comfort you
I'll prop you up when all your strength is gone

I'll be your silent cheering squad
I'll hold you from a distance, from afar
And no matter what you choose
I'll lay down my will with all my heart

My love has no agenda here
There is no selfish purpose to pursue
And regardless of the outcome
I want only your best; I believe in you.

So take your space and take your time
I want you whole, I want to see you healed
And if you wonder if someone will hold you down
I love you and I will.

My Synonyms For Love:  Faith, Hope, Vision, Trust, Knowing/ The Known, Selflessness, Humility, Steadfastness

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Overlapping...The Truth

(1st Draft Of One Side Of An Internal War)

(Legitimate FEAR: It's Opponent To Follow)

I don't want to be 
Your pain's great escape
A rebound: Or reboot
Your fearful enclave

You can't fall for me
Yet still grieve for her(s)
I'll clear out the path 
I know my own worth

I'm in love with you
It's palpable; real
Maybe you're in love with 
How I make you feel

I'll just end up hurt
I've no time to lose
I can't be deterred

My time is too precious
And you need to heal
My heart is no fodder
For jeopardy's wheel.

I must walk away
From this beautiful dream
With eyes opened wide
To inconsistency

Transference of feelings
I'm no substitute
If it's real, God reveal...
Until then, Love, 


My Synonyms For Fear:  Common Sense, Reality, Grounded-ness, Statistics, Self Preservation, Time Management, Self Control, General Control