Queer friendly, alphabet adjacent person here (P 🍳)... I honestly believe a lot of what Dave Chappelle said in his last comedy special was taken WAY out of context. And, the fact that he was also making JOKES based in very deliberate truths that the LGBTQIA community is WELL aware of and discuss privately and regularly was missed entirely by most of his detractors.
He made very valid points, and as someone who's worked and lived WITHIN in the LGBTQIA community extensively (I founded and ran a sizeable non-profit in this community that included ALL the children and although I have a clear preference for men at this point in my life, have always identified as PAN...#Heteroflexible), and with every letter, (I've probably more experience with the trans community than most), I personally believe that a lot of the backlash is based in narcissism which is RAMPANT in this community. Yep. I said it.
Some alphabet folks are going to take offense no matter what he said because that's what they wanted to do before they even saw the routine. I believe the Bible refers to it as "the sin of offense"... And, it is laced with arrogance and entitlement, ignorance and lack of self awareness or any awareness of any other person or group in the world as equally important to one's own "plight". And, I'm about as minority (triple) and marginalized at they come statistically speaking, so... This is no outside perspective.
Victimhood seems addictive to this community and I'm over it, especially considering how much racism and privilege exists within it (Google the issues of race, elitism and division in the queer community). He NAILED that point and I need everyone to stop pretending we haven't been having THAT discussion for YEARS... Anyone from Philly should remember all the craziness with Sisters and other clubs in the "gayborhood" because of the blatant racism that goes on to this day, including how the cops would only harass and raid the predominantly Black clubs like Libations...
Black women are murdered disproportionately in this country. Period. Not just Black trans women. Their rate is higher, but, that is relative when you look at the bigger statistics. And, if women are women, and we aren't to differentiate generally, then... Black people are murdered at high rates period. Not just queer people or queer Black people. And, WE get murdered by the POLICE at higher rates than EVERYONE ELSE... And, Black queer people are at even higher risk to it ALL. To be clear, I'm not minimizing anyone's suffering or inequity. But, it's all relative in the bigger picture and the statistical comparison does lend some perspective. And, stating these facts doesn't minimize the imminent danger of one group over the other. But, these groups overlap significantly.
Everything can't just be about one group ALL THE DAMN TIME and the queer community is NOT the only vulnerable group in the world although you wouldn't know it with all of this commotion every time somebody gets their panties in a bunch over nothing (Dave is NOT going to get anyone killed and that notion is hyperbolic and annoying!).
Furthermore, everyone in this community isn't some innocent victim being attacked by the brilliant, funny man provoking thoughts and calling out and challenging BS no matter what group it's coming from. He does this to EVERYONE. His points were solid and much of his humor and accurate observations went over the heads (and, egos) of most of those who are most outraged.
A lot of what he said was contextual and my queer people purposely took it out of context and intentionally missed every positive implication because it's easier to just make everyone the enemy and continue to play the victim and find something innane to protest instead of the real, convoluted, nuanced and difficult issues we face as a people. Because it's all about visibility, right? Even though I thought equality and justice, accountability and normalization was the real goal...👀
I've seen this phenomenon way too many times up close and personal in the microcosm of community and organizations I've worked in and for. Rebels without a cause or simply taking up the wrong cause because it gets them more attention while the real work goes undone in the community they claim to love so well and the real victims within it suffer disproportionately as a result.
There are much bigger fish to fry than a comedian who is perfectly entitled to his humor, observation, intellectual approach and opinions. One of his first jokes was about space and Jews. SPACE JEWS! Yet you don't hear a soul talking about that and decrying antisemitism — because it WASN'T antisemitic. It was a historical and current social observation about what is going on in Israel and with the Palestinians. It's hard to argue with a joke based in hard truth.
In summary, I'm so sick of this community acting deliberately daft and being intentionally obtuse about this comedy special as if they are unable to process nuance and shades of gray. Because if any community knows the world isn't in all black and white, it's this one — the masters of all SHADE: loosely defined as uncomfortable humor based in truth! And, truth be told, there is no more powerful group of "marginalized people" anywhere in the world than the LGBTQIA gang.
Dave is brilliant. What he a said was true however uncomfortable. Gay is more protected than Black in this country even though it can be hidden and skin color can NOT be. A hit dog will holler. It was funny. He's not homo or trans phobic, he's just not afraid to confront people smack in the middle of their own cognitive dissonance, lack of perspective and accountability and personal delusions. And, I'm irked that people are still dwelling on this as if we're not in a whole pandemic with millions dead, Black lives still don't matter enough, the foster care system and all social services aren't a disaster, there's no cure for cancer or AIDS, Israel is not still terrorizing, murdering and displacing Palestinians...and there is not STILL war and children starving in Africa...👀
He's a Comedian. He did his job. He's rich and he won't be canceled nor should he be.
It's seriously time to move on...