Monday, September 15, 2008

911 Tribute & Statement LIVE @ Chris’ Jazz Cafe...

Take a listen and then please leave your comments and feedbacks/thoughts, etc. about the content of this song (commenting on my performance is optional - but honestly, it wasn't a flawless performance - just a passionate one ;)...

I know I can't be the only one feeling this... I rarely do anyone else's music but mine, but all respect MUST go to Pink and The Indigo Girls for writing and recording this PROFOUND song...even if it didn't get much airplay... I could kiss Pink...I don't think she'd mind much *wink*, for digging these feelings out of my gut...this is so very much my style when writing with acoustic guitar. It says so much of what I would love to say to Bush and the rest of those rich, white, Republican bastards who don't give a f*ck about anyone who doesn't look like them or who doesn't share their same social and financial status face to face if ever given the chance...and it feels good to know I am not alone...or the only artist out here who is actually thinking and who gives a damn about the rest of the world!




Sunday, July 27, 2008

Song Concept

Boy how do you make it through
Living a lie (repeat)
One day it will catch up to you
Living a lie (repeat)

Do you just put it out of your mind
Living a lie (repeat)
Is it only inside that you cry/Does she know what you're hiding inside? 
Living a lie (repeat)

(Verse I)
3 kids, 3 traps, she still can't touch your heart
It just means that you were afraid to live
A shotgun wedding 'cause I would not play the part
Of one with courage to forgive...
The unforgivable 

For all of the hurt you caused
For all of your cowardice
Because you would not grow/man up
For your evil/hateful mother's mess
(protection my ass!) 

But, what makes me stronger/better than you
Is I'm never settling
Does she know I still have your whole heart
And, all she has is that little ass ring? 


Friday, June 27, 2008

"God Give Me Strength"

This little number is just me at Chris' Jazz Cafe doing my acoustic set while my fabulous band is on break (yes, it is ME playing for myself live while I sing!) with my Sweetie recording me doing my thing on the piano as we prepare for the BWAF on August 3rd, at 9:00 PM @ World

Café Live (BE THERE!!!).

I was not in the best of voice (long week and a lot of singing that day) and thus, was a bit raspy and missed a few runs...and the recording is VERY ROUGH and the piano is overshadowing my voice in the lower register parts, but dammit, I love this song so much who cares!!! :)

This song will be officially recorded with perfection in the coming weeks for my upcoming independent EP in preparation for the full length album "Church Girl"(thanks to those of you who have heard me perform it live and have insisted on being able to buy it immediately...;).

So here goes...and if you have ever heard this song, you know that I definitely have made it my has carried me through some rough times, and is affectionately known as my dark place song...

The lyrics are posted below:


Now I have nothing, so God give me strength,
'Cause I'm weak in his way;
And if I'm strong, I might stay or break.

And I don't have anything to share
That I won't throw away into the air.
That song is sung out.
This bell is rung out.

He was the light that I'd bless.
He took my last chance at happiness.
So God give me strength.
God give me strength.

I can't hold on to him.
God give me strength.
When the phone doesn't ring
And I'm lost in imagining
Everything that kind of love is worth
As I tumble back down to the earth.

That song is sung out.
This bell is rung out.
He was the light that I'd bless.
He took my last chance at happiness.
So God give me strength.

God, if he'd grant me his indulgence and decline,
I might as well wipe him from my memory.
Fracture the spell as he becomes my enemy.
Maybe I was washed out
Like a lip print on a shirt.
See, I'm only human, I want him to hurt!
I want him; I want him; I want him to hurt!

Since I lost the power to pretend
That there could ever be a happy ending.
That song is sung out.
This bell is rung out.

He was the light that I'd bless.
He took my last chance at happiness.
So God give me strength.
God give me strength.

God give me strength.
God give me strength.

Give me strength…
Give me strength…

I need strength.

~Burt Bacharach/Elvis Costello~

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Best Dating Profile I Ever Read...

Because I'm focused, NOT blind, I am always seeking new friends, and am always flattered when someone worthy pays me mind...;)

In attempt to speak to the universe and have you heed its call should it beckon to you.

You live your life boldly, with frequent deep-down belly laughs. Your words are ample; your tongue is lithe, skilled and poised to speak your truth into existence. You say exactly what you mean and your words bond you with the universe. Your desire to be in the right surpasses your want to be right. You know that some times being human is hard, because there are so many humans just being. You are purposeful in your life’s walk, calm and compassionate. You stand flat-footed in your own truths, some spoken, others just understood. You say “please” and “thank you” effortlessly. You stretch out your hand knowing my heart is within reach. Your voice reaches hovels, and speaks life into existence. You are aesthetically pleasing, well-groomed,
svelte, exuding femininity, grace of stature, and are as bodacious as you want to be.

I am the kinetics for all these seemingly potential loves you’ve searched to find, just beyond your current grasp, yet only a keystroke away. Have your soul call out to answer mine. Assuredly, I will listen. I am not cocky or grandiose, just somewhat consumed with knowing you’re out there and confounded in my not having met you as of yet. I am average and extraordinary, fierce and nurturing, loquacious with a reticence that pokes through during moments of self-reflection, assiduous with bouts of silliness. I am a lover of poignant observations and demure flirtations.

We survive on another’s breaths. When we say we’re sorry to one another, it means we
purposefully will never do that again. We are the sugarplums that dance in one another’s heads. We wrestle playfully with one another and hold each other when
silence is the only antidote to our ills. We think before we speak, never shouting when soft words and whispers will suffice. We know vicariously of some of our limitations, but are genuinely surprised in our infinite possibilities. We write our suppositions in pencil and our promises indelibly in ink. We dance in the rain, we clap our hands, and laugh aloud, we are what we are, not what we were or who we’ve yet to become. We don’t make dates with each other, we make time for one another, we make room, and we make awe(some) memories.

I simply aspire to meet you, for the possibility of us.

(Now how dope was that???)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Just Wanted To Tell You...

I Just Wanted To Tell You...

I was recently asked:

"If you had the chance to tell your ex anything, what would it be???"


I forgive you...

For not being who you pretended to be...For not being able to live up to the hype of your representative...For not being what I wanted and needed...For being spiritually and emotionally stunted...For repeatedly disappointing me...For every beautiful lie you told: to both me and yourself...For trying to make me feel like I was less than I am so you could feel like more than you are...For being petty and shallow...For ruining Christmas...For being the best actor I ever met...For not being strong enough for me...For your lack of humility...For your inability to handle and love an equal...For asking me to carry your burdens...For expecting me to wait...For your lack of accountability...For your total lack of character and integrity...For being abrasive, insensitive, and emotionally abusive...For using me...For inviting me into a dirty house before you were even truly making a genuine attempt to be free of your garbage and baggage...For making me your teacher when I wanted to grow with you...For demanding in me a level of impossible perfection and a flawless, reaction free performance in response to your cruelty and selfishness that no feeling being is capable of in the face of such intentional hurt and malice...For coming between me and one of my oldest and dearest friends...For being jealous of my sense of purpose, knowledge of destiny, and my abilty to follow my heart and my dreams while you worked a dead-end job and had no sense of your own life's purpose...For your complete cowardice...For lying with your eyes...For using your words and my vulnerability as a weapon...For your attempts to leave the door open and deny me proper closure...For refusing to face my justified wrath...For running away from every opportunity I had to voice my truth aloud just to spare your own ego and feelings...For always taking the easy way out...For never looking in the mirror...For choosing familiar, convenient and cheap over righteous, challenging and worthy...For disrupting my life...For lacking the courage to fight for me...For feeling sorry for yourself...For playing the victim to anyone who would listen...For posting bad poetry for me after the fact as if I should be honored...For making me HATE "Rocket Love"!...For your inability to communicate honestly and effectively...For apologizing to everyone BUT ME for what you did TO ME...For STILL being too much of a coward to even face me and say "I'm sorry, I was wrong"...For your total disregard for me, right and wrong...For your inability to demonstrate remorse...For wasting my precious time...For usurping my energy...For disrespecting my amazing love...For existing merely to create sadness and chaos in my world...For making this lesson so extraordinarily and unecessarily painful...

I Forgive You For Being...



(That felt good - lol).

I saw this question posed on another site and could not resist the opportunity to respond in the way only I can (lol)...

Any other takers??? Come on! Share your 'love' letter to the ex(s) below!
Writing this has been more fun and therapeutic than I could've imagined...especially because I have grown so much and am in such a healthy and happy place now... This just released a little more of the unforgiveness that held a tiny piece of me back...and is thus rendered powerless in even my subconscious... I know myself all too well, and one thing I know for sure is that I don't let any intentional injury or wrong go until I've had my proper say...and now I have ;)!
I wrote a few of these letters (hey, I do have more than one ex after all...) but I said most of what I wanted to say to the others at the time because they were courageous enough to face me, so this was my favorite!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New (Cover) Music...Listen!

Hey Folks:

I had to do this commercial cover of Norah Jones' "Don't Know Why"...(paying the bills...;), you know how I do...*smile*).

Those of you who have heard me perform or know me personally know I am rarely this mellow throughout an entire track or on my songs, so I thought I'd show my softer side...I am an 'AnOmali' after all...;)

Stop by and take a listen and tell me what you think... I am doing a lot of jazz gigs and what not to pay the bills (the mortgage :) while I record my album, and commercial work and voice overs, etc...on my hustle - on my grind...on my way to the top!

Keep me in your prayers...

Music and Acting is a BUSINESS, not a pipe dream, and it takes a lot of work... BUT, I am honored that God gifted me, and I know that my gifts will make room for me even in the face of a fake industry with very little talent and even less integrity and originality...and I'll be all the more blessed if I have the support of MY community - feel me?



PS: Check out the snippet of "Fever" that I also put down that day (hoarse and all - lol). Just hit play on the second track (in anything but Mozilla Firefox - sorry :( - ).

"Don't Know Why"


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Angst: Inner Chaos, Self Degradation, And Slight Emotional Retardation...

I'm going through something inside of myself...a metamorphosis of some sort, that is making me feel things I both dread and crave...its overwhelming. It's making me anxious and extra and I don't fucking like it (or me at the moment)! The artist in me is fighting the wife and mother in me; the feminine in me is fighting the masculine in me; my restless youth is at war with my aging wisdom and respect for lost time, my destiny is wrestling my dreams; my attractions and desires are shifting in unpredictable ways...I think I am truly losing my damn mind...or maybe my soul...or maybe myself, hell, I don't know! I either have or am on the brink of everything I ever wanted and all I seem to be able to do within my mind is sabotage what I see in front of me and imagine the worst at every turn - which makes me slightly psychotic behind the closed doors (of my mind). Sometimes being able to to see and feel so much feels like the worst curse on the planet. Oh, to be shallow, emotionally crippled, unable to feel what I can't see, and dammit, BLIND, because I NEVER asked for the gift of sight!

I'm rambling, I guess...I'm just frustrated with the state of affairs...the state of my soul never to be satisfied? Why do I desire that which I KNOW is not for me...and why do I question clear and logical answers just because I FEEL something that I can't explain? Feelings change. Foundation doesn't. I need to take a class like "understanding the universe and how your feelings will be betray you for dummies". Then there is the 'BUT'. But, what if it isn't a feeling, but a knowing ('cause that's how it feels)...but what if you are just on a road that bends (AGAIN!!!)...but what if this is only a test or worse yet a mere distraction proving that you are nothing more than an unfocused nitwit...but what if you should trust yourself for once since you're always right when it comes to everyone else's ish...but I'm happy the way things are...but I like the stability I have finally found in every aspect of my life... But...but...but...FUCK!

Fuck me!

Retreating into myself to figure me out. Stay tuned...I (or someone who looks very much like me) will be back...and hopefully with some answers and the return of common sense.


Friday, February 01, 2008

Unfinished Free Write...Soul Speak...

I was listening to the recording of a deceased childhood musical mentor (Ernie Saunders) in the middle of a night of pure insomnia.

And it took me to places in prayer, worship and meditation that were so pure that all I could do was cry and let the world, and emotions, and nonsense and EVERYTHING just melt away. And in that moment, some of my enemies and people who have truly hurt me and even people who have just thrown me shade {like the folks this weekend at a party I attended, who think I can't decipher their juvenile hating and misinterpretation of their own significance in my universe for grown ups and/or also think that they have anything original to offer by way of shade either during or after the party - lol} suddenly flashed before my eyes. I seriously digress...

What was odd in this moment, however, was that as I worshipped God and knelt vulnerably in His presence, I was not angry towards any of them. I felt nothing but compassion, and then a deeper wave of forgiveness than I'd mastered before, and such a release... It occurred to me that the only way to release all of the hurt and anger that has accumulated over the years was to spend time in constant communication with God in a way that leaves me so naked that my soul exposed at all times. I began to see that in His presence, there is no room for anything else. I felt such contentment within my spirit. You can't hate, or hurt for long, or be bitter or angry AND spend time in God's presence. It's an oxymoron. It just won't work. This was the kick in the butt I needed to start ritualistically praying and worshipping and meditating again. When I don't, I am out of balance. Then my hyper-sensitivity rules my life and creates sleepless nights, emotional havoc and general dysfunction.

It seems that God and the Universe are really refining my character. I used to care so much about what people thought and how I was misperceived and judged due to their ignorance, arrogance, projections, and usually pure lack of knowledge of me. But, as I am growing, I am coming to see why that doesn't matter. I am working on the parts of me that make me easy to misread and misinterpret, although those who know me know I have the purest of hearts and intentions even if my truth is a little hard to take and my delivery a little sharp.

It is hard to be extremely sensitive in both the spiritual and the natural in this world, especially when often I'm so harshly judged because people ALWAYS judge what they don't understand and/or is different. People don't tend to like truth or the bearers thereof.

But, tonight, for the first time, I actually had a talk with God about my level of sensitivity and how emotionally crippling it is to care so much about people who care so little about anything but themselves, if that. And for the first time, I recognized that my sensitivity is for His glory, even if it causes me pain. That sensitivity is why I know when someone needs a hug or a stranger needs a smile. It's why I can cry with ANYONE in pain, even my worst enemies. It is why I judge more the 'why' of what people do instead of the 'what'. It is why I can forgive the unforgivable (my father's murderer), and also why sometimes forgiveness is so very difficult for me (people who I loved and trusted).

So, tonight, on this sleepless night, because I cannot continue to allow silly things and silly people to get under my skin, I surrendered my sensitivity to God once and for all. It often feels like a curse, but it is also where my empathy and compassion and ability to read people comes from. It is why I am a servant of mankind, why I am in ministry, and why God will use me to change the world, even if it is only one song at a time. I care…truly, and without apology or restraint. I could not survive and fulfill my purpose without it.

So, I cry more than most. And I notice when even buttheads who truly serve no purpose in my life are rude or judge-y. And, yes, this makes me hard on myself because I so often take things to heart and wear my heart on my sleeve. And it is hard to go through life lacking the fake gene most seem to possess. But it is also why when I leave the stage, there isn't a dry eye in the house. It also makes me fearless and free to always be myself.

So, today, I accept this part of myself. I am sensitive. It gets on my nerves. I realize that I care what people think because I care about people. PERIOD. That is NOT a flaw. This sensitivity means I want to be a blessing to all; I want to be a beacon of light; I always want to be the one person in the room that can see through everyone and know who has a an immediate need that I can meet.

It's very hard to feel so much, to be so easily affected by others, by energy, by spirit, by life...but what true artist doesn't? Besides, to whom much is given much is required. And, I finally see that my level of sensitivity, while it has caused me great pain my entire life, is divinely orchestrated, lends itself to purpose, and without it I would cease to be effective in what God has called me to do and be.

God made me who I am and as I am; Who am I to question it?

I know I am hard to know, difficult to read, and I'm certainly not easy to understand… I suppose I have been allowed to suffer so much at the hands of the cruel, the unjust, the dishonest, the insecure, haters, and the like, so that I would always be sensitive to those who were different, who were outsiders, who were dreamers, soft hearted and awake. If being who I am means being misread and misunderstood most of the time, so be it. I will STILL submit my sensitivity to God so that I can bless even those who do me harm. I will NOT be guarded and aloof and always have my guard up because because of what has happened in the past. I'll lead by example, creating my karma as I go.

God knows my heart. And, at the end of the day, as long as He welcomes me, I may occasionally hurt at the hands of people, but great is the reward...
